1977 - Begins my love affair with cars

"Smokey and the Bandit"- I fell in love with the car.
I beat Road & Track Magazines 0 to 60 mph speed test of it by 1 second!!! Didn't know a single guy who could beat my time.
Learned a lot about men, or the lack there of...
And started meeting a new kind of woman.
Started designing for that woman -
Fashion isn't about what someone tells you to wear.
True fashion, true individualism is about NOT caring what the
fashion magazines say you should wear, whats in vogue, following the herd or letting a man win a car race when you can! But wearing three pairs of antique earrings - just 'cause one pair isn't big enough.
True fashion is an inner reflection of the person wearing it,
an outward physical glimpse of their soul.
Erin Mac Jewelry became not for the faint of heart.
It became bold, like the women who wear it,
collect it and tell their friends about it :)))